Monday, July 22, 2013

Dear Kate Middleton, Princess of Cambridge - Thank you!

Dear Kate,

Thank you so much for finally having your baby!  I was getting so tired of all of these rehashed stories about your life that were played only because the networks had planned to show stories about your new baby.  But you just wouldn't have it! All that papparazzi had to wait there for days hoping for you to hurry up already so they wouldn't have to stay glued to the sidewalk for another week.  Poor Justin Timberlake!  He only got a peep of interest as he walked by your hospital, hoping to bask in your glory.  Doesn't he know who he's dealing with? Well, you showed him! Then you tried to make the papparazzi believe they were at the wrong hospital. You, rascal!

For some reason you wanted to let the baby come at its own time and not for the convenience of the press.  Well, thank you for comprimising and making it come sooner rather than later.  Now, if you would quickly give the press some cute shots of the newest royal then all of us can relax and wait for your next pregnancy.

Thank you again,


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