Tuesday, May 20, 2014


 I love surfing the net for fabulous bags.  I happened upon a really cool site and an even cooler bag on this site.  The designer is Piero Guidi.  This company has many different bag designs, but the one that particularly attracted me was the "Circus" print.  It is fantastic!

I saw this bag a year ago and wasn't sure if I wanted to purchase it right then.  I had never heard of the brand and I needed to do more investigation.  I was so lucky to have a Piero Guidi boutique in New York City.

I went to the boutique and told them where I saw their bags, but they only had a limited selection.  They showed me the range of their bags in terms of design, prints, and lines.  The line that still grabbed me was the "Circus" line because it has playful circus characters flipping and dancing all around the canvas. 

It also gives each bag its own personal angel which is attached sort of like a luggage tag and they make it so that you can pose its wings and appendages.

The line had so many wonderful styles that it was hard to choose.  Most of the bags are in the $300 and up range.  They are so  fun and fanciful that they are definitely worth it,  You won't see a million people with these bags.  You'll feel so unique!

If you think this is your style then....TRY IT!

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