As my regular readers know, I have a handbag obsession, like most women. Handbags can give a certain narrative about who you are. When I look for handbags, I look for creativity and classic silhouettes. I want something that is functional, but evokes a certain unique vibe. That's why I love Patricia Nash!
She has a way of taking a familiar look and giving it a unique voice using beautiful leather and patterns (see above). She has so many wonderful, strong, long-lasting bags. Her bags are so beguiling, it's hard to make a choice. I love her map leather bags. They actually have a map on the leather. It's rustic and inventive:
In my opinion (I have multiple bags), Patricia's bags are tough and gorgeous. You don't have to babysit them. They are rugged and feminine.
Fans like me know a Patricia Nash Bag when we see them. My sister's co-worker (they're lawyers), had a new bag that she was bragging about and I asked to see it. As soon as she turned the corner, I knew it was a Patricia Nash. She was so surprised I identified it so quickly!
So if you want a real bag that brings compliments, then ......
TRY IT!!!!!!